This morning has been an amazing morning … one that I needed.
I have received from a few separate people, thanks & praise.
Some examples:
thank you for messing up my life… again…! LOL
I love this. … I am so glad you sent that article hmmm food for thought! You’re good at that.
I’ve also gotten good feedback from StartingCube … and by good, it’s not always “You are good” or “keep it up”. It’s the little things. People liking the Facebook Fan page, or promoting an episode on their wall, or tweeting out a link to an episode.
That is the food that individuals who create stuff really need. At least I do & all those who I have talked with do. It’s the positive affirmation, in a world that will deliver hits to your life.
For me it can be as simple as asking for advice, promoting something I have shared with you, or even hiring me to walk along side you for a period of time.
I thought about these replies, and this is what I came up with:
Dear Friend,
I rock your world so many times for two reasons:
1. I believe you are worth investing my time and energy into – I see potential in you.
2. I am just showing you the world I live in … I know it’s a little different from what you are use to, but in my mind (and I think yours too) it is better.
Love, ~Jonathan
One of the things I care about deeply is people reaching as close to their potential as they can. All my world is centered around supporting people, ideas, and groups that I want to succeed.
This is done a few ways:
- sending people stuff that I believe will help them – books, quotations, clips, etc
- coaching – people hire me for a good amount to walk alongside them & help them
- partnering with people & groups – could be a non-profit like REIN or the BSA/OA that I just want to help. Could be businesses with others that I believe in.
- supporting – taking on a support role – this could be in video games, where I don’t seek to be the hero, but to make my team win. It could be the behind the scenes person helping take care of fires.
I’ve learned over the years that this is what is best for me & I want to thank you for letting me fill my calling when I help you.
Now, I have two things I would like you to do:
- praise someone – not asking for me (though I will take it) – in a more public form share something great that you have found.
- thank someone – I am not great at this, but working on it – go to someone in private & thank them for what they are doing or have done.
If you are wondering about “my World” the best place to learn more about it is to read what I read, listen to what I produce, and read what I share or write. I am not the only one there, but it is different from what you probably were introduced to in school or tv.
thank you again and you are welcome