Tonight I am finishing up on an idea I’ve had a while.
With StartingCube, one of the things I think about every so often is how podcast websites, or band websites, or other art like painters, photographers, etc can share their work. It’s all about presenting the data in a way that fills the audience, and moves them closer to being a fan, subscriber, etc.
In the past, I’ve looked at blog style, reverse blog style, artwork, reverse artwork, random number of artwork.
Since the podcast has a unique, and hopefully interesting, title for each episode (along with an image), sometimes it’s best to just share a list of titles with someone.
Now I have a page template that will allow this, but just a list or index of show names seemed blah … especially when the time is taken to create some unique image for each episode, so when I was getting ready to make it live I decided to take the time to throw in some images.
The images are ever X number of items added, where the author/webmaster/whoever can turn them on or off & set how many posts should be added in between. This was important for spacing and the page template working in different settings.
I would love feedback on the Cube List pages.
Now that I think about it I could also have it where some experts are shown (and some not) or other neat things, but that is enough for tonight. I need to work on an actual StartingCube episode.