I can not help everyone.
That has been a hard lesson for me to learn over the years. My natural bent is to try to help everyone I encounter.
That fact applies to you and every group including huge organizations like the Boy Scouts of America, the United States of America Federal Government, Walmart, and Google.
Each has things that they can do and things they should not attempt because it’s outside their  reason for being and the strength, or ability.
Seth Godin spoke at a multiday event with people starting an organization where the first foundational point he said was that you have a piece of land.
You can choose what to build, what to do, who you want to serve …
Expanding Service to More
It is ok to want to expand who you serve to more people, but if you forget that core reason, your why, you start down a path that is more dangerous. It’s ok if your core why changes, but pursuing growth for growth’s sake does not work in the long run.
If you have mastered serving one group, expanding to another or in an additional way, is not automatically bad. It’s just new & every new venture has unique challenges.
Core Word of Warning
Remember who you are & why you choose the path that brought you to this point.
Keep in mind your strengths, you can only help people from strength & it is a limited resource.
Be intentional in who you serve & make sure that if you cause their dreams to happen, you will smile.
Who shall you help?
Who shall you NOT serve?
… you can not help everyone …