It is wrong to punish the godly for being good
or to flog leaders for being honest.Proverbs 17:26 New Living Translation
This is what done – punish and/or flog – when taxes are raised on the “rich”.
Now, lets define rich, they are people who have amassed wealth through legal and moral trade of what one person has for what the other person has. I am not focused on individuals who amass wealth through illegal means (steeling) or immoral/illegal means (fraud) or even simply immoral means (oppression of the poor) … but that is not the group of people who a portion of the population wants to make “pay their fair share”.
How it currently works
Currently in the USA, other places are worse, close to half the people pay no income taxes.
Income taxes are generally created by a process of one person trading their time, resources, or knowledge to another person in exchange for money.
How do you make more money?
There are only two ways to make more money:
- increase the profit margin per transaction
- increase the number of transactions
it’s a simple formula:
profit = profit margin (profit per transaction) X transactions
so for toothpaste, they make a small amount of profit per transaction & do a lot of transactions, where with selling million dollar houses a company might sell one or two for a year and be happy.
Think of how you might get more money, you could add extra hours, shifts, or sales – or you could increase how much you make per hour, shift, or sale. Yet, for you to be able to do that – you still have to have an equitable trade, or the person giving you the money must value what you are giving more then what they are giving you.
Why would you want to discourage an individual from providing more value to the world?
What would happen if more people understood and followed this?
you would have people going all different directions, working their best to help as many people, or provide as much value as they could to a few. Out of it, more products would be created – and by “more” I mean compared to the number that are created today. Why – because a major focus would be to provide better value or serve a group of people who were not already served. Some would define it as chaos – at least in a since it would be chaos … others define it as freedom.
Part of the Proverbs Challenge series
written on April 18th, but date above is set to allow for the system to work.