You will say, “How I hated discipline!
If only I had not ignored all the warnings!
Oh, why didn’t I listen to my teachers?
Why didn’t I pay attention to my instructors?
…”Proverbs 5:12-13 from New Living Translation
Extreme or major accomplishments/defeats tend to not be due to one action, decision, or event. Success might be defined as setting a goal and achieving it, yet a successful life, or a business success, or an overnight sensation tends to be due to lots of little events.
A line of wins and losses that build upon each other to a defining instant.
Discipline take a pre-decision, or a decision before an action and that is the key stated here and that we all miss on many occasions.
Why have I not listened to my teachers, mentors, or instructors?
Many reasons, might have been I did not see the relevance of the topic, I did not care about the knowledge, or I had other priorities.
Part of every decision is the self motivation, the wants, desires, dreams, goals, and fears within me. Part of it is my knowledge and how I see the world.
If I listened to the wisdom, and learned from the experience of others more … I am not sure it would help a whole lot. There has to be another step, I cannot just understand what is presented, I have to better understand the world around me, myself, and anything else key to a deeper understanding (topic specific info).
Sometimes that involves just doing the little things, or making that decision (being discipline) in the little things.
Sometimes that involves going slower – so you are less likely to ignore *all* the warnings.
Sometimes that involves listening to teaches and mentors.
Sometimes that just means paying attention to the world around me, as opposed to where my mind, body, or soul wants to take me.
Just like with every life, you cannot gain a full appreciation of what caused someone to succeed or fail in a moment by a five word answer, you also cannot reach your full potential without doing the little things every day & building upon the experience and actions of others, while avoiding your personal potential paths to destruction.
Part of the Proverbs Challenge series