I plan on posting live from BarCamp Nashville 2011 in this one page. …
Focus Today 2011-10-05
today I plan to: 1. Cook some jambalaya 2. Write some stuff 3. Touch base with some people 4. Wish someone happy birthday …
New monitor time.
This week I'll be searching for a replacement monitor from 1990's CRT. For years, I've been looking at this screen. …
White Chocolate M & M’s, ah?
Saw these today ... generally I like M&M's, but this one is too scary for me. If I saw them at a party I would try, but not …
Why I am not at the Dave Ramsey party today
I know & like Dave Ramsey. [audio:https://www.jonathannation.com/jon0006no-dr.mp3] [mp3 - 13:22] First learned of him …
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