1:00am – I am jolted from sleep to a kid crying.
1:01am – at this point I am heading towards the twin’s room
1:02am – I realize that both twins are crying
1:03am – I’ve seen that the light is on in their room – this tells me who the main one is awake & why I have two screaming children
1:04am – the light is off, one twin is calm
1:06am – I’m down stairs getting meds for the child having issues
1:08am – make it back, provide meds, kisses, blankets & prayers
1:10am – walking away, still with my heart pounding from adrenaline … this is actually not the hardest task as a Stay At Home Parent, but it’s a good reminder that I’m always on call, I’m always responsible & what I am doing as a SAHD is important, at least to a couple special little people.
1:19am – calmed down enough & done writing that I hope to get back to sleep soon & quickly.
This is not a typical night, my children sleep great most of the time, but this is in the realm of possible any night of the week.