This morning I was going through my RSS reader and listened to this one clip released by Dave Ramsey on selling your house on your own or hiring a Realtor.
Here is the clip: there is an ad at the beginning:
Two messages that hit me:
- only a percent of “pros” really do the best job
- letting people do what they do best allows better results
I am a big fan of specialization of labor; I want you do do what you have a natural strength to do, a passion to do, and causes the resources you need or want to flow to you. That means that sometimes I do work myself, other times I hire professionals, great people who will produce either better quality, faster, or larger quantity results then I would doing it myself.
There are times to do stuff for yourself. You have a role to play is helping the pros you do work with achieve their greatness, but there is also a reason to work with them.
As for that first point, it can be hard and time consuming to find a real professional – or the best of the best, or at least someone/an org that is great. That does not limit or reduce the need we have to strive for it, but puts into light that sometimes we have to spend a lot of time, energy or other resources up front to find the greatness, then develop a relationship and attempt to make sure that both parties get what they want, or one day one of the parties will go away & do something else. That’s why I attempt to help my clients and my vendors succeed, I want them to keep producing what I use/like/enjoy from them.