I have attended every PodCampNashville & the hardest for me to go to was the first.
All in all I am sorta an introvert. I like deep personal conversations and relationships. Parties where I don’t know anyone is hard, because I also don’t like approaching strangers, especially when I am out of the habit.
At PodCampNashville1 (in 2008) the event was small, much smaller then it is today, with one stage, and not many places beyond the main room, but one thing really struck me as I was first leaning about it at the beginning: The Law of Two Feet.
Law of 2 Feet – if you’re not getting what you want out of the session, you can and should walk out and do something else.
That was empowering and really effected the way I approach PodCamps, BarCamps and other UnConfferances.
What Seth Goden Says:
Seth Goden posted his stratigy for SXSW, a large converance going on this weekend, where he talks about the personal relationships, specifically instead of focusing on sessions:
I focus on what I do remember: the engaged conversations. The one on one discussions of what someone is working on. Helping a friend design a book cover or solve a thorny entrepreneurial problem. Sneaking out to go to a taco stand for lunch with a very cool CEO…
This is a great approach to attending a PodCamp, but my tact is slightly different, a PodCamp is also slightly different.
With PodCamps, BarCamps, WordCamps, and other UnConferances, the speakers are generally people from the local area.
My Strategy when attending any UnConferances
I have two primary goals:

- Learn
- Develop Relationships
Attend As Many Sessions as I can.
It’s not about the time I spend in a session, it’s about the number. At PodCampNashville there will be 4 or more sessions going on all at once. I look at the schedule, especally the impromptu room one that will not be in the printed book, and go listen to the presentation for at least a little bit in many. Looking at my BarCampNashville 2010 program, I made it to an average of 3 presentations per session time. There will be a few sessions I end up staying most of the time for.
It’s like interviewing people. I want to see someone to decide if I want to find them on twitter, or throw their site in my RSS Reader. Another element is, at times they will engage me so much I stay & listen more, or talk with them later in the day.
Stay For the After Party.
Stay For the After Party.
Stay For the After Party.
It is better to show up late for an UnConferance and stay for the after party then get there early and leave before the after party.
Another hint, it’s not about the beginning of the after party but closer to the end. With UnConferances, there are many people who are great people who volunteer. They work hard, and typically are cleaning up at the beginning of the after party. The after party will change a little as they get done with whatever roll they have and start to filter to the after party. More conversations happen, especially with people who will probably be at the event the next year & who live in the local area.
Look for Conversations to Join.
This can be a hard part for us introverted types … but there are conversations going on in the halls, breakout rooms, and eating areas. Go sit or stand next to them. Look engaged (if you are). Most of the people who come to an UnConferance are like you & understand both how hard it is to be at an event where you really don’t know people but are interested in the general topic the UnConferance is centered around.
I have seen many people at the after party, or even at a meal after the after party having fun and great conversations to discover that they meet just that day … the key is to overcome fears & engage people.
Bring Friends
Last thing, and this can help with the rest … encourage people who you know & believe would get something out of knowing more people interested in media & communications (podcamp) or business & technology (barcamp) or online publishing / websites (wordcamp)
A Free Event, worth So Much More
I will be at PodCampNashville 2011 on March 26th & sign up today and I’ll see you then … it’s free to come, the Law of 2 Feet apply, so you will get more then your money worth out of it.